Are you here because you’re experiencing itching and general discomfort in your vagina and/or the vulvar skin that surrounds the vagina? There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Almost all women experience vaginal itching at some point in their lives.
And that’s because there are so many things that can irritate the sensitive skin of the vulva and vagina. The list of possible causes of vaginal itching is vast.
Allergies and Skin- The chemicals in certain products can cause irritation or even an allergic reaction that might result in itching. Common culprits include laundry detergent and fabric softeners; bath soaps and deodorants; ointments, creams, and lotions; vaginal douches; and foams and jellies used during intercourse.
Vaginal Infection- Vaginal yeast infections are known for their infuriating side effect of intense vaginal itching. Common causes of vaginal yeast infections include the use of antibiotics or the pill, sexual intercourse (with or without condom usage), menstruation, pregnancy, diabetes, and a weakened immune system. It can also be caused by dietary or hormonal issues.
Other vaginal infections and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including bacterial vaginosis (BV), genital herpes, trichomoniasis, and pubic lice, may also be to blame.
In addition to itching, bacterial vaginosis is often accompanied by runny vaginal discharge and a fishy odor after sex. Trichomoniasis also causes a change in vaginal discharge, along with strong vaginal odor and vaginal itching.
Vaginitis- Women who have vaginitis, also known as inflammation of the vagina, may experience vaginal discharge, vaginal odor, and inflammation along with their itching. Vaginitis frequently occurs in girls who have not yet reached puberty; however, it’s important to rule out STDs and to determine whether sexual abuse has occurred if these symptoms become evident.
Stress- Stress is a frequent contributor to the development of many health conditions, including vaginal itchiness. If you’re experiencing stress, learning some stress relieving techniques such as yoga or meditation may help to reduce or prevent vaginal itching.