It’s incredibly uncomfortable—and can be downright worrisome—when your nether regions are itchy. The good news is that there are a few simple explanations for why you may have vaginal itching, along with some easy remedies. “Most of the time when women experience itching in the pubic region, it is the vulva, or the area around the vagina, that is affected,” explains Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale Medical School. While vulvar itching is a common issue, Dr. Minkin adds, “these problems are seldom worrisome or dangerous, although they’re quite annoying.”.
Yeast Infection- The normal pH of the vagina is below 4.7, which is on the acidic side of the pH scale. Usually, our body’s lactobacilli bacteria—the good kind of bacteria that help maintain acidity—keep yeast away. But when the vagina loses acidity, yeast can build up on the vulva, causing an infection. This often happens when women take antibiotics, which wipes out all bacteria including the good kind, and aren’t taking a probiotic simultaneously to replenish the supply. Yeast also multiplies in warm, moist environments, making your vulva the perfect location to set up shop. The result is cottage cheese-like discharge and itchiness around the labia or tissues around the vaginal opening.
Vulvitis- This is a general term that can include contact dermatitis or general irritation of the vulva. The most common reason for irritation is that women either scrub that area too hard when bathing or use harsh soaps or other products such as bubble baths or vaginal deodorants that contain fragrance or perfumes, which inflame the vulva. “Remember, the vulva is the most sensitive skin on the body, so be delicate with it,” warns Dr. Minkin. Other culprits include toilet paper with irritating dyes or spending a prolonged period of time in sweaty gym clothing or a wet bathing suit.
Douching- Let’s cut to the chase here: Douching is dangerous. It messes with the vagina’s delicate pH balance by washing away good bacteria, and it may also carry dangerous bacteria further up the canal. In fact, douching predisposes you to bacterial vaginosis and the odor that comes along with it. And it’s drying.
An STD- Don’t panic just yet: Minkin explains that itching as the result of a sexually transmitted infection is rare. That’s because many STDs have no symptoms at all and if they do, they tend to present with symptoms of pain rather than itching. However, occasionally people who have a recurring STD may experience itching in the vulvar region.