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Yeast Infections And Sex

A yeast infection can increase your risk for STDs, and may pose some risk for your sexual partners.
Yeast infections are not sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), although they share many of the same symptoms, such as vaginal itching, burning, pain, and discharge. Given the prevalence of STDs and yeast infections, it’s not unreasonable for a woman to wonder if a yeast infection may increase her risk of other vaginal infections.

For the most part, though, yeast infections aren’t associated with developing an STD. However, by scratching to relieve vaginal itching, you may inadvertently create microscopic tears in the skin that allow bacteria or viruses that cause STDs to enter your body more easily.

HIV and Yeast Infections- Of particular concern is HIV/AIDS, which is often spread through sexual activity. HIV/AIDS can also be transmitted through direct contact of bodily fluids with an open wound or a tear in the skin.One study looked at women who were not HIV positive, but who were in a sexual relationship with someone who was.Researchers found that the women who eventually contracted HIV were more likely to have had yeast infections.

They concluded that women in high-risk relationships should be taught how to prevent yeast infections — and to treat them quickly when they do occur — to decrease their risk of HIV infection. Since yeast infections can irritate the vaginal lining even if you haven’t been scratching, it’s a good idea to use condoms if you plan to be sexually active while you have a yeast infection and don’t know the HIV status of your partner. Of course, this is good advice even when you don’t have a yeast infection.

Safe Sex – There’s no medical reason not to engage in safe sex when you have a yeast infection. Keep in mind, however, that the vaginal itching and burning associated with yeast infections may make sex uncomfortable. Another thing that might hinder you from having sex is the yeast infection treatment method you’re using.

If you’re using creams to treat your vaginal yeast infection, it’s best to delay intercourse until the therapy is complete, as sex can essentially push the medication out of the vagina. Certain vaginal creams may also be irritating to a man’s penis. In general, yeast infections aren’t frequently spread from one partner to another during sex. Even so, there are situations where it does happen.

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