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4 Common Causes of Vaginal Itching

There’s a reason “sand in the vagina” is a way of saying someone is in a bad mood. When you are itchy “down there,” there is no end to the misery and discomfort. Vaginal itching is enough to drive anyone insane. It’s miserable, but you can’t scratch, especially not in public (and also not if you want to keep yourself healthy). But what is that itch? Here are four common causes of vaginal itching and some quick ways to get relief.

Vaginal yeast infections – Vaginal yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of candida, a bacterial fungus that also commonly affects the skin and mouth. According to Women’s Health, roughly 75 percent of women are affected by yeast infections (also called candidiasis) at least once, suffering from symptoms like burning around the vulva, severe itching of and around the vagina and an abnormally thick, cheesy, white discharge. Women who have yeast infections may also experience pain during sexual intercourse, redness around the vulva and painful urination.

Bacterial vaginosis – Another common cause for itchiness is bacterial vaginosis, a condition similar to candidiasis. Research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that bacterial vaginosis is more likely to affect women who are sexually active, though it isn’t technically sexually transmitted. The direct causes of BV are unknown, but the bacteria cannot be passed through surfaces like toilets or through hot tubs or swimming pools. According to Dr. Beverly Whipple in an article for Everyday Health, women who douche often disrupt the vagina’s self-cleaning processes and “flush out the normal bacteria” necessary to prevent infections. Typically bacterial vaginosis — and the uncomfortable symptoms that accompany it — subside on their own within a couple of days. In cases where the infection is more severe, recovery may take longer and require treatment.

Trichomoniasis – Trichomoniasis, also known as trich, is an easily treated sexually transmitted infection that affects over 3.5 million Americans. Planned Parenthood explains trich as an often symptomless infection “caused by protozoan — a microscopic, one-cell animal.” Women with trich often notice a foamy-looking discharge, bad vaginal odor and swelling in addition to itchiness. Spread most commonly through sexual contact, trich is easy to diagnose and to treat.

Cervicitis – Cervicitis, or cervical inflammation, can often cause itchiness in addition to yellow or bloody discharge and pelvic pain. According to Merck Manual, cervicitis is often caused by other infections, including chlamydia, gonorrhea and herpes, though it can also be the result of cervical injuries that sometimes occur after tampon use or medical procedures. Cervical inflammation often causes discharge that looks and feels like pus, and is frequently characterized by vaginal bleeding.

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