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Herbs For Vaginal Odor

Bacterial vaginosis, or BV, is typically the cause of vaginal odor, generally characterized by a fishy smell that may develop along with a discharge. Bacterial vaginosis is a term that indicates an imbalance in the bacteria that is naturally located in the vagina, along with the absence of lactobacilli. When this occurs, high levels of other bacteria, such as Gardnerella vaginalis and Mycoplasma hominis, replace the normally present healthy bacteria, lactobacillus. Women who douche on a regular basis or have medical conditions that reduce levels of lactobacilli may be prone to bacterial vaginosis. The use of antibiotics, feminine-cleansing products, products containing irritants and having sex can lower lactobacilli in the vagina.

Garlic- Commonly referred to as nature’s antibiotic, garlic is able to fight an infection. Garlic has powerful antifungal properties, which control yeast levels. According to, using garlic is the fastest way to solve an odor problem in the vaginal area. Vaginal suppository can be made with a garlic clove and gauze tied securely with a string so that it can be easily removed from the vagina. Additionally, prepared garlic vaginal suppositories are available at health food stores. The suppositories dissolve easily and are effective in the elimination of discharge and vaginal odor. Odorless garlic tablets are another available option.

Tea Tree Oil- Tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca alternifolia, is a species of tree or shrub native to Australia. It has antifungal properties that are effective for eliminating vaginal discharge and odor. Tea tree oil also has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties with good skin penetration capabilities and very low potential for skin irritation. According to, a few drops of tea tree oil are sufficient to help combat mild infection or irritation in the vaginal area. It is available in the form of a soap containing tea tree oil and other ingredients, or it can be mixed in a few drops of water and used to cleanse the vaginal area daily until the odor goes away. Tea tree oil suppositories can be purchased from a local natural wellness store to treat bacterial vaginosis.

Neem Bark Extract- In the past, neem bark has been applied topically, but more recently has been used as an internal supplement. Neem bark’s antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties help to support balanced intestinal flora while fighting infection. It is effective against several fungi, such as candida, which is responsible for yeast infections and can lead to vaginal odor. According to, in vitro studies showed efficacy against infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes in sexually active women who took neem extract in the tablet form. Further, besides its ability to enhance antibody production, it also promotes the immune response of white blood cells, unleashing them in order to kill bacterial invaders.

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