Zinc plays many critical roles in fighting candida. People with recurring yeast infections tend to be zinc deficient, and modern farming practices such as depleted mineral content in soil, and using pesticides and other chemicals used to grow produce, contribute to deficiencies. High zinc-content foods, such as red meat, are often skipped in favor of chicken, soy, or seafood. Candida itself is a culprit of hindering zinc absorption in the body: PLoS Pathogens published a study in 2012 showing that candida actually generates scavenger proteins which remove zinc from human cells.
How should you take Zinc for Candida?
Yeast infections and Candida are typically caused by an overgrowth of candida, a fungus that usually lives harmlessly on your body. Certain people have a higher risk of developing yeast infections. Candidiasis is the term used to describe a vaginal yeast infection caused by yeast overgrowth. Zinc deficiency may increase your risk of yeast infections, although research regarding this hypothesis has had mixed results.
Candida is a microorganism that lives on everyone’s body. Candida and other types of bacteria that help to balance levels of candida, known as lactobacillus bacteria, live in your vagina. Lactobacillus produces an acid that helps to prevent overgrowth of candida. When levels of candida are not balanced by this acid, you may develop a yeast infection. Certain factors, such as antibiotics, pregnancy, immune system disorders and douching, can disrupt the production of acid made by lactobacillus. Zinc is thought to aid the immune system. Some research has shown that a deficiency in zinc can lead to increased incidences of yeast infections.
h2> How does Zinc for Candida work?
Zinc is an important nutrient known as an essential trace mineral that helps in a number of biological processes. Protein digestion, enzymatic reactions, energy production, antioxidant functions and maintaining a healthy immune system are among zinc’s many roles. Although zinc is found in foods such as oysters, red meat, poultry, cheese and legumes, zinc deficiency is not unusual, especially in the elderly, alcoholics, people with anorexia or those who follow restricted diets, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. A zinc deficiency can decrease the functioning of your immune system and possibly increase your susceptibility to yeast infections.
Zinc, selenium, vitamin A and vitamin D are also crucial for the body to fight off Candida, so if you are deficient in any of these, you will be more vulnerable to overgrowth. Many people are deficient in zinc, because some microbes have developed the ability to make you excrete your zinc in your urine in order to disable your immune system. A deficiency in zinc can also cause the lining of your gut to become weak and more permeable, which results in leaky gut and the escape of toxins and undigested food particles into the bloodstream.